Setting-up a Business

Setting-up a Business

After you have written the business plan as a business starter, the practical steps of setting up a company follow. It is a matter of founding the company and registering it correctly at all relevant points. This also includes questions about employees, brand protection, insurance, and so on…

In order for you to set up your business correctly and efficiently, we have developed an online solution with the entrepreneurial hero, which compiles your individual founding steps and provides you with all relevant forms and templates free of charge.

Practical steps for a successful start-up

What is important when setting up a company? We have put together these important steps for you to consider when setting up your business. These include, for example, topics such as main vs. secondary employment, permits, registering companies and the actual start of the company.

In which area do you want to found a company?

We have compiled comprehensive guidelines for the successful foundation of your company for individual areas. We also offer free checklists for download. Simply click on the area in which you want to found your company.

To the start: Obtain permission and permission

Depending on what you want to do on your own, you may need permits and approvals, or you may need to prove certain qualifications to start a business. There are various authorities to contact, such as the building or health authorities. An expert knowledge examination or briefing at the IHK may also be required to set up a business.

You can find out more about this in the section Approvals. In every federal state there is a single contact person who will assist you with all formalities when you start up your business. If you would like more basic information on the subject before setting up your business, click here.

The next step: Formally establishing your company

Depending on the type of company you choose, a partnership agreement and a visit to the notary are mandatory. Since the form of business is relevant to many issues (such as taxation), you should inform yourself well in advance and check whether you have really chosen the right form of business for your project.

The following is the opening of the business account

The establishment of a company is usually followed by the opening of a company account. Freelancers and sole proprietors can choose between a low-cost current account and a business account. Partnerships and corporations should open a business account.

For corporations, it applies that they only become capable of acting when the share capital has been paid into the business account, the notary confirms this and the company registers with the commercial register.

Do not forget the health insurance obligation

When setting up a company, it is also important to avoid risks for self-employment. For many risks, which you cannot influence, there are insurances, so that the financial effects do not mean already an early end of the establishment of an enterprise.

Some insurances are obligatory – e.g. health insurance. Here you can choose between statutory and private health insurance. As a first step, we recommend that you compare the rates of private health insurance in order to then compare the preferred rate of the statutory health insurance – it is best to have a free and non-binding private health insurance comparison drawn up for you. As far as operational risks are concerned, you should first find out which insurances make sense for your industry – carry out a free needs analysis.

The following is the registration of your company

Regardless of whether you are a trade office, chamber of commerce, chamber of commerce, commercial register or tax office – regardless of whether you are a sole trader, merchant, GbR, GmbH or freelancer, if you want to set up a business or become self-employed, there are many reporting requirements to be met when setting up a company. You can find out at which offices or authorities you have to do what as a founder of a new business when setting up a company in the section Registering a Company.

In the following, we will deal in detail with the essential points involved in setting up a company. In this way, you can work your way step by step through the chapters relevant to your company foundation.

Then you can apply for possible industrial property rights

When setting up a company, you should first check which industrial property rights you can assert for products, inventions or your logo when setting up the company. The domain or company name must also be protected when the company is founded. As a founder of a new business, read more about important industrial property rights when you set up your company.

It is also important, for example, to set up the bookkeeping correctly from the outset and to plan for tax prepayments. As a rule, it is advisable to work together with an experienced tax consultant who can take care of both accounting and tax issues for you.

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